
Almoner News 30 May

30 May 23

Philip Davies
I visited Phil yesterday and found him bright, cheerful and content in the Residencia in Javea. As usual he had a twinkle in his eye and was very chatty, he would welcome visits from anyone who remembers him.
His daughter and son-in-law get over from their home in Greece when they can and Phil is in regular contact with his daughter by phone.

Sylvia Ansell
Sylvia is also in the same Residencia as Philip. She has had a series of falls which have made it almost impossible for her manage on her own at home. We had a long chat and I was able to update her on some former BBC members who no longer bowl or have returned to the UK.
She would welcome visits from people that remember her.

Pat Arnett
Following shoulder surgery last Wednesday and then home the following day, I’m pleased to say Pat is ‘full of beans’ and thrilled that she has not had any pain to contend with.
Post op exercises are the order of the day in order to get her back to bowling once her Surgeon gives the OK.

Joyce Pope
As many members are aware Joyce had a fall earlier in May, and damaged her shoulder. An MRI scan revealed a ruptured muscle as well as a fracture, so Joyce has been advised not to bowl for a further three weeks.

Best wishes to all members who are currently under par at the moment.


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