

VCL Match Report


 BBC v Bonalba


A cold start, on a windy day, for the first match in the VCL. As always Bonalba fielded a strong team with some very experienced players. A very short report below on how the matches went.


Ladies Singles – Pam Coombe v Marjorie Parnham


The match started very competitively with the players sharing the first six ends. Marjorie got off to an early lead 4-6 after six ends. Pam then showed why she is the singles champion of BBC winning nine of the next ten ends to take a commanding 17-7 lead. The next three ends saw Pam finish the match in style winning 21-13.


Gents Singles – Jeff Richards v Paul Mayne


The match started with Jeff taking 5 shots in the first two ends. Ends were then shared with Paul edging back and being only 7-5 down on the tenth end. The turning point came on when Paul was holding 3 very close shots on the eleventh end. Jeff, with the last wood, used controlled weight and removed all 3 shots and scored 2. Jeff then began to pull away gradually and won the match comfortably on the twenty third end 21 -10.


Pairs – Bob & Mary Cockell v Roli Bell & Steve McNally


A different story in the pairs match. Bob and Mary won the first two ends to go 3-0 ahead. The tight match then evened up at 4-4 in the seventh end. Roli & Steve then took the next six ends to establish a 4-17 lead. Although Bob and Mary rallied they lost 9-22


Trips – Robin Flaxman, Joyce & Ernie Pope v Eve Bell, Velia Wood, Martin Prosser


An early lead after two ends 4-0 settled the home team and they continued to lead throughout the game. Bonalba team fought hard and came back to only 1 behind on the eighth end (7-6). The quality of bowling was illustrated when Joyce had three touchers within a foot but did not hold shot. Consistent quality bowling meant that a very strong Bonalba team could only score 3 singles in the rest of the game. Ernie’s team won comfortably but not easily 17-9.


Rinks – Linda Richards, Richard Potts, Maria Morawiec, Dave Dickenson v Belinda Archer,Dave Sparrow, Chris & Dennis Wright.


Very high quality bowling from all the home players saw them jump out to a 16 -4 lead after eight ends. This was helped by a 6 and a 3 on the sixth and seventh ends. This was against a strong Bonalba side that was bowling well. The consistent team bowling continued from the home side for the rest of the match, running out 25-9 winners.




A strong performance from the home team, some great individual performances allied to good team play. Winning the shot difference 93-63 meant a 10-2 points score.

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